A big part of mood and self-care is sleep hygiene, and one of the biggest issues I encounter is people having TVs in their bedrooms. There are many research studies (one example: http://news.discovery.com/human/depression-night-light-exposure.html) that say that this is a bad idea and not only does it interfere with sleep and potentially lead to mood disorders, it also interferes with relationships. Here’s how.
Your own sleep… the type of light that is emitted from any kind of screen (yes, this advice applies to computers, iPads, iEverything in addition to TVs) is the type of light that tells your brain to stay awake and alert. So- logically, watching TV or using a computer in bed, is going to keep your brain awake, and make it difficult to fall asleep. I have met many people who say they cannot fall asleep without the TV on, or that they sleep just fine with the TV on, but I am still skeptical that they are getting quality sleep. I invite you to take the Pepsi challenge, and either get rid of the TV and computer in your bedroom, or make sure to not be using it at least an hour before bed, ideally more. See if you notice a difference not just in how long it takes you to fall asleep, but how you feel when you wake in the morning.
Your partner’s sleep… if this applies. Perhaps you are convinced that you do need the TV to fall asleep. Or you don’t have to get up early in the morning, so you stay in bed watching TV while your partner is trying to fall asleep. Not only is this affecting their sleep (and likely, your own- see above) it is disrespectful. It sends the message “Your sleep isn’t important to me”. Or perhaps they fall asleep, but are awakened everytime there is a loud noise or a light change on the TV screen, which definitely affects sleep quality. Consider watching TV in a separate room, or at the very least, use headphones.
Your relationship… you’re lying in bed wanting to watch the latest Seinfeld rerun, and faster than you can say “No Soup For You!” your partner’s libido is going down the drain. One of the top reasons that couples are unhappy is lack (or absence) of sex. Take a look at your TV habits. Are you using TV to avoid intimacy with your partner? If so, it’s time to have a talk about watching TV in bed- is it OK? If so, when? Are you feeling like TV is getting in the way of your sex life? If so, it’s time to limit it.
A lot of research says that the bedroom should be for sleeping and sex- that’s it. Many people use their bedrooms for TV, computer, fighting, etc. and this creates a negative energy in the bedroom. Some things we have don’t have control over, but watching TV isn’t one of them. Discuss this with your partner today!