- The Twin Cities Birth & Baby Expo is on Saturday, October 15th from 10 am to 3 pm in Minneapolis at the Midtown Global Market. If you are expecting a baby (yes, dads are welcome too!) then this event is for you. Their goal is to connect parents and parents-to-be with local resources and businesses related to adding to your family. Get info on everything from birthing to photography to diapering, and much more. The best part: it's FREE!! More info here: http://www.twincitiesbirthandbaby.com/exhibitors.html. P.S. Pregnancy and Postpartum Support (PPSM) will be there!!
- Saturday, October 15th is also Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. This day honors those who have experienced any kind of pregnancy loss- miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or infant loss. The goal of this very special day is to provide support to grieving parents and families. Their website http://www.october15th.com/ has great resources and items for purchase that show your support for those in your life who have had a loss.
- Pregnancy and Support Minnesota (PPSM), a non-profit organization, is launching its Support Helpline on Monday, October 17th. This Helpline is a place for those who are struggling with adjusting to pregnancy or postpartum, or for those who care about someone who may be struggling. The Helpline will offer support and resources, and also offers callers the option of being paired with a trained Peer Support Volunteer who can provide ongoing support to make sure people are getting the help they need. If anyone would like to be involved, or would like to know more about the Helpline, please check out PPSM's website http://ppsupportmn.org/
- And finally... yes, I must do it again, the release of "Not Alone:Stories of Living with Depression" ed. by Alise Wright has been released this month. I am proud to be a part of this book, where my story about postpartum depression was included. Here is an excerpt from "The Baby":
I had heard about postpartum depression before, but hadn’t personally known anyone who had struggled with it. Well, at least nobody who ever opened up about it anyway. It’s shameful to admit that I didn’t really want to take care of the baby. That I was sad all of the time. That I counted the minutes until my husband got home so that I could get a break. It was frightening to admit that I had visions of hurting the baby or walking away from her, knowing in my head that that is terrifying and something I would NEVER do. Moms shouldn’t feel or think this way. Moms should be excited and happy and cooing over their little bundle of joy. And when they are covered head to toe with vomit, a good mom will go change clothes with a smile, even if it is has been the third clothing change of the day. Right?
The link to the book, available on Amazon, is here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_10?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=not+alone+stories+of+living+with+depression&sprefix=not+alone+&x=0&y=0
Chances are, you or someone you has been involved with one of the above situations. It is time to erase the stigma of talking about mood disorders during pregnancy and postpartum. It is time to not feel ashamed to talk about your pregnancy loss, as if it is something you should "get over" and stop making others feel uncomfortable. The leaves are changing this month- make a change in your life!
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